Pass the Keys® - We stand with Ukraine
18th March 2022 - Pass the Keys® - We stand with Ukraine We at Pass the Keys® are devastated by the urgent humanitarian crisis which is affecting all in Ukraine. This crisis is seeing families fleeing from their homes and leaving livelihoods behind...
by Pass the Keys
|18 Mar 2022
18th March 2022 - Pass the Keys® - We stand with Ukraine
We at Pass the Keys® are devastated by the urgent humanitarian crisis which is affecting all in Ukraine. This crisis is seeing families fleeing from their homes and leaving livelihoods behind to seek refuge across Europe.
Giving people a reliable, safe, and clean place to stay is at the heart of what Pass the Keys® stands for.
That’s why we’re doing everything we can to support local and international efforts at this uncertain time. We understand that it can be hard to know how to help and that it’s a personal choice in what way to contribute. We are promoting several initiatives to help support this humanitarian appeal.
How are we supporting?
1. Fundraising for DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
The simplest way to get involved is through our JustGiving page here. We’ve chosen DEC (the Disaster Emergency Committee) which organises disaster relief campaigns for people in desperate need. DEC has also received donations from the Royal Family (The Queen, Prince Charles & Prince William) counting towards its credibility. Through their charities and local partners, they are giving food, water, medical assistance, protection and trauma care. We have already donated £3,000 to the fundraising campaign to make an immediate difference.
- GiftAid registered
- PTK will match money raised through the page pound-for-pound, up to a total contribution of £10,000
- UK Government will also match funds raised through the DEC campaign
2. Backing a grass-roots initiative in Poland
As many of you will know, Poland has received the vast majority of refugees fleeing the crisis, and we feel that offering support at a local level will provide both direct and immediate relief.
Kasia is a Pass the Keys® team member living close to Nasutow in Poland, 100km from the Polish/Ukrainian border. She has been supporting a local charity (Fundacja Nowty Staw), who are helping over 50 people, often large families with children of all ages who have already crossed the border and are taking refuge at one of the charity's sites (Nasut House). Along with shelter provided by the charity, Kasia is helping by sourcing food, supplies and children's toys which have been specifically requested by the charity.
- Our team member Kasia is directly involved in the relief effort.
- PTK contribution funds will be given directly to the Polish charity Fundacja Nowy Staw who are operating close to the border.
- Pass the Keys® are going to continue to support Kasia with her local efforts.
3. List your property on for short-term support
By listing your property on (normally your property is on you can offer short-term support for those with an immediate need. Both Airbnb and Pass the Keys® will waive service and management fees so that we can offer your property at a discounted rate via the platform.
We encourage our hosts to consider allowing us to place their property on the platform, as the combined fee reductions can be passed directly on to refugee guests. Also if they choose to offer their property at a further discount, or even for free. listing will remain, and any stays booked via will block the calendar.
- You as a host will get a chance to review each request before accepting it.
- All Airbnb and Pass the Keys® fees are waived.
You can read more about how Airbnb is helping the Ukrainian refugees here
4. Pause your listing to offer your property for refugees mid-term
Our hosts can also pause our services and offer their property towards the UK government ‘Homes for Ukraine’ initiative, arranging for future bookings to be cancelled and blocking their calendar. When the property is next available to the market we'll welcome them back free of charge.
I hope you can join us in our efforts to help support the Ukraine crisis, we thank you in advance.
CEO Pass the Keys.