Pass the Keys Launches Own Direct Booking Platform!
Pass the Keys offers entrepreneurs an established Franchise model and has been expanding its destinations of operation across the UK by unlocking opportunities for new business owners. We have been growing our client base strongly, and have doubled...
by Pass the Keys
|Pass the Keys Services
|09 Jul 2021
Pass the Keys offers entrepreneurs an established Franchise model and has been expanding its destinations of operation across the UK by unlocking opportunities for new business owners. We have been growing our client base strongly, and have doubled our property portfolio over the last two years.
We specialise in supporting all parties involved in the short-term market, ensuring that they are able to effectively collaborate. There was a gap in the market for all three services to be able to function together but with Pass the Keys, equilibrium has been achieved.
Drumroll, please...
We are also pleased to announce that Pass the Keys has recently built its official Direct Booking Channel allowing guests to make reservations directly and efficiently.
An Exciting Partnership
To ensure that we follow standard operating procedures across the business we have collaborated with Global Digital Trust Platform SUPERHOG. This partnership means we can continue to provide and constantly improve high-quality service and welcome new guests on board in a safe and secure manner.
What’s more, Pass the Keys Direct Website is the cheapest channel across all of the short letting platforms advertised within our portfolio. We open thousands of opportunities for both current hosts and future guests, not just in a single territory but to all of our territories across the UK.
Introducing a Direct Booking channel for all of our guests and hosts is a milestone achievement for everyone here at Pass the Keys. One of our core values is every week a better company, and we are very proud that we have delivered an additional feature to make our property owners more profitable within all territories.
Interested in becoming a franchisee, guest or host?
We don't blame you! Contact Pass the Keys today on +44 20 8050 2818 with your questions or connect with us online to book a call and learn more about making property management easier.