Pass the Keys Blog

How To Enhance Your Airbnb Listing

Written by Pass the Keys | Jul 18, 2022 11:00:00 AM

Become an interior design pro with Pass the Keys’ top tips for enhancing your Airbnb. From painting skirting boards, switching up lounge accessories and replacing your shower curtain; you don’t always have to break the bank to give your Airbnb some well-deserved TLC. Instead, there are many simple adjustments you can make to your Airbnb that will dramatically enhance its appearance.

1. Live like a guest

Why not stay overnight at your property, that way you can judge exactly what needs refreshing, refurbishing or upgrading and see your Airbnb through guests’ eyes. Packing an overnight bag and relaxing in your Airbnb as a guest can utterly change your perspective and help you enhance your guests experience by anticipating their needs.


2. Keep it simple

Small, cost-effective changes to your Airbnb can provide it with an instant refresh. A lick of paint on tired bathroom walls, investing in some new bed linens, adding a new light fixture or even just replacing the shower curtain can instantly enhance the look and feel of your Airbnb.


3. Stay on top of preventative maintenance

There are certain maintenance tasks you can carry out on a schedule that will help keep things running smoothly during bookings and reduce the chance of inconveniencing guests. Changing light bulbs, air filters, batteries and testing alarms are a few examples that will help give you peace of mind and keep your Airbnb health and safety conscious. 


4. Make use of any outdoor space

In a city, this can be easier said than done, so get your creative hat on! From adding fresh plants to windowsills, decorating the balcony with some tasteful furniture, or transforming small open spaces with lots of greenery, guests will appreciate the touch of nature. For Airbnb’s with larger gardens, it is advisable to hire a gardener who will help keep your outdoor space looking trim for guests! 


5. Using the low season to your advantage

Unfortunately, no Airbnb host can triumph over the effects of seasonality. When your Airbnb occupancy rate is looking a little low, it is the perfect time to tackle those bigger renovation projects that have been playing on your mind. Whether that’s renovating the bathroom, re-decorating the main bedroom or adding a conservatory… use these quieter months to give your Airbnb the makeover it deserves.


6. Replace everyday essentials often

Replacing chipped crockery, stained tea mugs, creaky beds and dirty tea towels is a relatively cheap habit that will keep your Airbnb looking brand new. Guests will appreciate the fresh, clean aesthetic and you will be amply rewarded in your reviews.


7. Update your Airbnb listing

Don’t forget to show off all your hard work! Even if you have only made a few basic changes, refreshing your Airbnb photos will help to boost your listing and keep your Airbnb on top of the website algorithms. Remember to add any new amenities and prime your listing description every few months.

The quality of photographs will have an enormous impact on your occupancy rates, and are most heavily judged by guests, so if in doubt, hire a professional! 


8. Invest in your guests sleep

There are few things guests value more than a good night’s sleep whilst travelling. After a long day exploring, there is nothing better than some crisp, clean bedding and a cosy mattress to sink into. Start by investing in a high-quality mattress and you are already halfway there! If you want to go the extra mile, Egyptian cotton sheets and duck down duvet will have your guests sleeping past noon!


9. Upgrade your tech

Whether that’s investing in superfast broadband, a Smart TV or simply buying an affordable coffee machine, these homely touches are bound to be remarked upon in reviews thanks to the guest comfort they provide. Nightlights, an Alexa speaker or a remote controlled heating system are some great budget friendly alternatives.


10. Say goodbye to hosting stress

Airbnb hosting is a job like any other. For hosts wishing to scale their business and maximise occupancy rates, hosting can become a 24/7 task and involves a lot of personal involvement e.g. worrying about guests, organising cleaning and managing bookings. 

Airbnb hosting should be a fun, profitable experience for hosts - so don’t let it take over your work/life balance. If you require some hosting help, give Pass the Keys a call today on 020 8050 2818. We provide a fully managed hosting service across 50+ UK locations. From cleaning, marketing, key handling and guest support - we’ve got you covered!

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